Saturday, November 04, 2006

A Beautiful Night

The parents of my 7th grade homeroom had a cookout for me tonight. Five out of six of my kids were there and their parents, and it was a nice mixture of English and Spanish. The majority of parents who don't already speak English fluently are taking English classes at night at the school.

They were told at the last minute by the kids that I'm a vegetarian and pulled through with an amazing array of delicious salads...haba beans; curried potato salad; curried rice with green apples and raisins; Spinach and walnut salad with Roquefort dressing; pineapple, pea, almond, and celery salad. Amazing. I brought a lemon pie, which looked a bit sad next to the meringue/strawberry covered confection offered by our hosts. Pisco sours (I stuck with juice), wine, and after-dinner drinks.

Just before dinner they all gathered to thank me and force the (rather mortified) kids to say a personal thank you before presenting me with a beautiful lapis luzuli watch. I almost cried, the whole thing was so thoughtful and nice. It worked well for them too, because they said it's the first time in they've all been together like that, even though they're kids have been in class together for two years, and they are going to try and do it more often...not only did they all seem to love each other's company, they think it will bring the kids together and help lessen the conflicts between the six of them. I think that's a great idea and sentiment.

While I didn't take any pictures tonight, here's a picture of them in the t-shirts my dad brought when he visited last week, sent by my mom and her friends at work. They're from a soccer tournament in my hometown and I had for every student in 8th grade and my six 7th graders. They all seemed to like them and put them on immediately, so half of upper school that day was glowing green.

in their new t-shirts

my new watch


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a moving post! I can't believe you guys are getting ready to go home. I'm sure its very bittersweet.

1:34 PM  

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