Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Pan de Azucar

This week we had Monday and Tuesday off, so a small group of us went six hours south to Pan de Azucar. We arrived at 1 A.M. Saturday night (Sunday morning) and were lucky enough to find a beautiful, completely empty, beach to camp on. The guys left Monday afternoon for a bachelor party, and the three females stayed until Tuesday morning. We made it home safely after some disconcerting car trouble and then being stopped by the police entering Antofagasta. Luckily, Heather managed to befriend everyone along the way and keep us out of trouble!

The days at the beach were beautiful and relaxing. Unless we headed into the town of Chanaral or the Coleta Pan de Azucar, we didn't see people or even any dogs. (Although the last morning we did spot some fox tracks around our camp.) The weather wasn't very sunny, but it wasn't too cold either, and we ate well (falfafel burgers, burritos), relaxed, read, and overall had a great weekend. Cheers!

boats at nearby Coleta Pan de Azucar

"Our beach." If you look closely, you can see the tents -- that speck left of center.

Sunday afternoon I went on a long, solitary walk along the coast



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it!

Pan de Azucar is a great place, and not even that far (relatively of course) from Antofa. Glad to see that you enjoyed it

10:47 AM  

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